Thursday, June 4, 2009

Prestley's Dr. Appt

Prestley saw an Allergy Immunologist yesterday for some more tests. They did a full work up of her immune system and the skin allergy test. She isn't allergic to anything but we were pretty sure that wasn't the problem anyway. She is having a CT of her sinuses done today as well. We are determined to get our baby girl better. We should know more once we get all the test results back but hopefully we can finally get some answers. We are starting some new medication so maybe she'll stay well for a while this time. Normally, Prestley isn't allowed suckers or candy or junk because I'm a mean old mommy but because she was so brave and didn't even cry when they took her blood she got lots of treats. She ended up having 2 suckers at the doctors office because she had to be occupied long enough not to touch her back during the allergy testing. She thought they were the greatest things ever! Then I took her to McDonlad's and she didn't eat any of her food but she did eat a packet of carmel syrup meant for dipping apples. THEN....they were mopping the play area and Prestley slipped and bumped her head super hard, started crying hysterically, so I felt bad and bought her ice cream. Then we went to Allison's so she could play with Charlotte and she got some cheerios. So pretty much she ate junk all day and guess what she told me afterward??? Mommy, my belly wonder why!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

Poor thing, she's always sick : (
Keep us updated on her test results. She looks like she's enjoying that sucker thoroughly. lol