On Sunday morning Prestley woke up and was playing in her crib when she suddenly started crying. I went in to check on her and she was holding her arm complaining that it hurt. I figured she stuck it through the rails on her crib and bent it the wrong way or something. I tried to pick her up and she started crying like she was in severe pain. She wouldn't let us touch it or move it so we iced it down, gave her some motrin and just held her for a while. By the afternoon she was using her arm fine and it didn't seem to really bother her.
Ok, back to the doctor visit. Prestley was running around the little room like a crazy person, flipping and climbing on everything. She apparently hurt her arm again because she started crying hysterically and holding that same arm. When the doctor came in, she wouldn't let her touch her and it appeared like her arm was broken in a million pieces...of course I knew it wasn't but she was hysterical. So the doctor insisted I take her to the ER for X-rays since her arm was hurting and she was running a fever with no other symtoms. I of course don't want to take her because I know there isn't anything major wrong with her and I don't have $100 bucks to waste but she was concerned there could be a bone or joint infection that was causing the fever and her arm to hurt. So against what I thought, I took her to the ER. We had multiple X-rays done and a strep test, just in case... and as I suspected, there was nothing wrong with her. We didn't get home until after 10pm, we hadn't had dinner, we were tired, cranky and out another $120 bucks and we still had no idea what was causing her fever. What a night!
Yea she looks to be in A LOT of pain there. LOL Silly goose.
I took Morgan to the doctor day before yesterday. She was walking in my room, went to lean her hand on my bench, missed it and fell. It caught her left her and earring, causing the ear ring to rip out and cut her piercing hole up toward the top. I took in hoping she didn't need another ER and $200 bucks later, glue or stitches. The nurse at doctor tried to tell me to go to ER, but I insisted the doctor come and look at her first.
Doctor came in and gave it a look over, and said it looks like the lines want to close up on their own, and that I did the right thing and no stitches, glue or ER visit.
Then yesterday, as I am putting on her save and cleaning at 3 times a suggested, I look at it and its not as tight sealed in its healing as I would have liked it, so I call and ask if they can glue it. Of course they said, you can glue or stitch any womb after the first 6 hours. Basically I have to let it close up on its own however its going to do, and then pierce her ear again.....this will make the 3rd time.
I suggest to not get girls ears pierced until they are 16 from now on. LOL
Glad she didn't have a broken arm.
My friend's son had that, but with his leg. The Doctor told them that sometimes they can get little viruses that work there way through the muscles and bones on their way out causing the pain. His went on for about a week (on and off...one day he would be fine, the next he couldn't walk) before it finally went away. Very strange, but maybe that is the cause with Prestley. Hope you guys have gotten some rest and are feeling better!
That is so strange! Poor Pres : (
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