Prestley pretending to paint the walls along with some Halloween crafts she made at the babysitter. Her masterpieces are hanging on my cubicle at work! She's very
Because Allison called me the car-seat-safety nazi, I thought I'd share why we've decided to keep Prestley rear-facing until she outgrows the rear-facing limit. We have a Britax so she can rear-face until 35 lbs. For us....and it's just our opinion, better safe than sorry! Sorry, I couldn't find the English version.
check the dog cage! Prestley was chasing me around the house laughing when suddenly it got really quite. I called for her to come find me but she didn't come. So I went looking for her and this is what I found!!!
My sister finally had her baby. Yay!!! Prestley has a new baby cousin to teach how to be a! She was 7lbs 1 oz and 19 1/4 in born on 10/7/08 at 9:22pm.